Try and Discover

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This is my first post of this blog. Ehem.
Have you notice my blog title which is "a One Peso Coin in my Shoe"?
Maybe, you might be curious about it, like yeah?
Well, there's a long story behind it but I'll make it short for you. Yeah!
This is how it goes....
One day, when I was hurriedly and panic-kingly getting my money inside my bag to pay a product I wanted to buy.
Suddenly, a one peso coin  stumbled down on the desk (of the store) then to the chair (of the store) until it went down straight not to but under my foot while handing my bills and coins to the cashier. My reaction yeah!
So I had to remove my shoe so that I can still give it to the cashier.
Haha...kidding.. Ofcourse, I payed using another coin. I thought that time microorganisms had attached their screaming selves to the coin (Arrgh applying MCB). Eewee. I thought along the way that is a one of a kind experience (by me and for me). :)

So..that's how it is.
Do you believe me?



PS. Expect an unorganized world here because I'll write random stuffs about my random selves here..kkk...LOL

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